Championing Sustainable HIV/TB Programs: County Transition Roadmaps Launched in Four Counties

To enhance efforts towards a sustainable health response, and in line with the PEPFAR transition strategy, Ciheb-Kenya, through its Health Systems Strengthening agenda, has overseen the finalization and signing of roadmaps towards transition in Migori, Makueni, Machakos, and Kitui counties—documents that aim to ensure resilient and domestically-funded HIV and TB programs. Kenya’s transition from low to middle-income status necessitates critical plans to transition the donor-funded HIV and TB services incrementally. The PEPFAR transition strategy is part of the Country Operational Plan (COP-23), which envisions country programs’ engagement towards increasing leadership and management of the HIV response; accelerating the integration of vertical HIV service delivery and systems into local health and social systems, including sharing costs across service delivery functions; measurably increasing the underlying capacities and capabilities of local and regional institutions to lead and manage the HIV response; and engaging in integrated national planning across donors to ensure resources are allocated strategically and complementarily in support of sustained HIV impact and synergies with global health security goals.

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The endorsement of the 2023-2027 roadmaps in the four counties in the last quarter signifies a transition towards sustainable resource investment, gradually shifting reliance on international donors to increased domestic funding. Guided by the pressing need for sustainability in the HIV and TB response, these counties recognize the need for stable and predictable resources to provide these critical services.  Oscar Olima, Migori County County Secretary, expressed his enthusiasm for this transition, stating, “I am excited to be involved in this process, and look forward to expanding our collaborations to benefit the people of Migori.”


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The transition roadmap thus aims to maintain and elevate effective health service coverage even amidst changes in funding sources, safeguarding previous development gains and aligns closely with the county-specific HIV and TB Implementation Plans (CHTIP) and the County Integrated Development Plans (CIDP). Developed in collaboration with all stakeholders, it stands as a comprehensive framework, ensuring a phased transfer of services and inclusivity in the process.

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Further, the roadmap highlights the importance of meaningful engagement with community structures, including the vulnerable members of society. This approach aligns with the broader goal of achieving universal health coverage and ensures the needs and aspirations of the community are represented effectively.